A loan helped to buy a new power-driven scythe that will optimize his agricultural landscaping business.

Andrés Felipe's story

Andrés Felipe is a young farmer and professional landscaper from Timaná, Huila. He lives with his wife and a small son in a house he purchased two years ago and is currently renovating.

After being taught landscaping techniques by his father when he was just fourteen years old, Andrés began landscape work on diverse agricultural terrains. For the past thirteen years he has been offering his services in the region, specializing in upgrading farmlands to optimize the harvesting process and enrich the soil. Besides his landscaping business, Andrés is also a coffee farmer who produces small batches of Castilla strain beans that he sells to local distributors.

A loan of 2,319,390 COP helps Andrés to upgrade his mechanical scythe and optimize his landscaping business.

This loan is special because:

The loan will help peasants to improve their agro crops

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