A loan helped to purchase an industrial over-lock machine and other essentials.

Roselin's story

Roselin began sewing from an early age. She has come a long way from the young girl who used to assist her grandmother by threading her sewing needles.

She now owns a sewing machine and many have praised her workmanship and creativity. Most of her customers include women who wish to have their dresses sewn especially for church or family occasions. However, Roselin wishes to extend her services by sewing men's clothing, kids clothing, and household linen such as mittens, quilts and aprons as well. She wishes to qualify for a loan so she can buy an over-lock machine that will ensure her garments or products are of a better quality. An over-lock machine will also enable her to sew a much wider variety of items.

What better way to explore and exhibit her creativity.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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Lenders and lending teams

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