A loan helped to purchase variety of stock to meet her customer demands.

Angela Awontemi's story

Angela Awontemi is a 23-year-old entrepreneur who lives with her mother and stepfather in the Builsa North district in Ghana. She owns a business selling groceries.

She is requesting a Kiva loan to purchase a variety of stock to meet her customer demands. She plans to use the profit she earns to support her family's daily needs.

She will repay the 'social interest' on her loan by volunteering 2.5 hours per week as a CAMFED Business Mentor, leading sessions to teach less experienced local women how to become successful entrepreneurs by developing their business acumen and sharing the lessons she learned from operating her business.

This loan is special because:

It provides 0% interest loans to entrepreneurs that give back to their community by mentoring.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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