- Sherron New York, NY, United States
BBank of America
- Edwin Florence, Kentucky, United States
- Breianne Long Beach, CA, United States
SSarah Tulsa, OK, United States
SSue Hostetler and Beau Wrigley Family Foundation
WWill Truro, MA, United States
I am a female minority business entrepreneur, with a background in the healthcare industry. My passion for healthcare came from watching my mother caring for my grandma. I quickly realized that I wanted to be able to care for my mom, but with additional knowledge, I ventured into a nursing career. I have spent the past 2 years as a front-line nurse and dedicated a great deal of time to working with COVID patients. I have also served as a healthcare leader which allowed me to learn the skills needed to navigate the business. This exposure prepared me for challenges, learning excellent communication, adaptable people skills, and customer service. My skill sets will no doubt transfer to helping me grow and scale my business to attain success.
The knowledge gained in healthcare transcends to my background as an adjunct educator. This will continue in the business by collaborating with community organizers to offer services and educate the community on the varied health and preventative options that will be available.
I am a strong believer that the community is what you make it. As a result, the business will be providing employment within its community to assist in strengthening and expanding gainful opportunities for others.
After 15 years in the health care industry, I am transitioning to entrepreneurship, by offering IV hydration, COVID testing, and cosmetic teeth whitening. I have sought out coaching and guidance from experts to be able to sustain and maintain the business at a professional level. Your support will be greatly appreciated and my belief of paying it forward will continue with community events and preventative education. I am extremely appreciative of your support and look forward to my continued journey as an entrepreneur.