A loan helped to pay his workers, add more coffee trees, and use the balance to pay school fees.

David's story

David is blessed with a loving wife and children. Some of his children are adults, while others are in school and still dependent on him. He and his wife engage in farming together. They employ workers who assist them with the work on the farm, such as planting, spraying and harvesting. David sells his tea and coffee to factories which enables him to pay his workers, educate his children and provide for his family. He is very grateful for his last loan, which enabled him to buy a water tank and pay school fees for his children.

David is kindly requesting a loan that will help him boost his farm's production. Through his increased earnings, he will be able to pay his loan comfortably and continue growing his farm. His next plan is to venture into dairy farming and start zero grazing on his farm.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details