A loan helped to buy farming supplies.

Marcelina Virginia's story

Marcelina is a hardworking and enthusiastic woman. She is 28 years old, married, and has two children (ages 5 and 6). One child is of school age. She and her family live in the canton of Capedeto.

With the dream of being an exemplary mother who provides a better future for her children, Marcelina has managed a business of buying and selling animals for about three years. In addition to raising pigs and chickens, she plants corn. With her earnings, she is able to support her family.

Wanting to achieve a better harvest this year, Marcelina approached ADICLA to request a loan in order to buy farming supplies. She is confident that her plan will increase her income and enable her to provide better service to her customers.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It targets low-income borrowers who can't access typical microfinance loans.

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