A loan helped to purchase a laser machine for her aesthetics center.

Xiomara Inmaculada's story

Xiomara is a microentrepreneur of Venezuelan nationality. She is 66 years old. She emigrated to Ecuador together with her husband to reunite with their two children, who had left Venezuela in order to improve their socioeconomic situation.

After her arrival in Ecuador, Xiomara experienced a difficult time in her life after the death of her husband due to COVID 19. At first, this discouraged Xiomara a lot. Later this painful event motivated her to start her micro-business.

Currently, Xiomara runs her comprehensive aesthetic center, where she offers facial and body aesthetic services. With her first loan she bought an aesthetician bed and equipment. Now she applies for a new loan to purchase a laser machine. This will help her provide quality service to her customers.

Xiomara is an example of improvement for her migrant compatriots. Xiomara appreciates your support.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Maria Pelaez.

This loan is special because:

It helps all refugees, but primarily Venezuelan refugees, in Ecuador to rebuild their lives.

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