A loan helped to buy merchandise for carnival to increase her business.

Alejandra Tatiana's story

Alejandra Tatiana, age 28, is single with one child. She works selling sweets, soft drinks, candy, and cookies in a kiosk in the center of the city. She started this business at the initiative of family members who have several stalls of this type throughout the city, and thanks to relatives, she has her own.

A typical day for her to to pick up the kiosk from the garage, clean it, and arrange all the merchandise for daily sale. Also in the area there are enough customers that she can sell different types of sandwiches.

This is her first individual loan. She will invest in in the purchase of merchandise for carnival to increase her business.

Her goals and aspirations for the loan are to increase her business, and for her life and her family, to have her own place to live.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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