A loan helped a very hard working mum to buy farm inputs and boost her crop production.

Dorcas's story

Parenting is not an easy task and that is why mothers are regarded as special beings. Dorcas (pictured with sacks of her grain harvests) is different. She is a humble mom whose main dream is to improve her home's conditions. She believes that living in a third-world country where opportunities are scarce is not an excuse for her not to triumph.

Dorcas is a very hardworking woman who hails from the Eldoret area and has always wanted to make her farm a hub of success. She is a mixed farmer who injects passion and determination into her job.

Access to modern, quality farm inputs is the pillar of the agricultural revolution. However, in Kenya, a developing country, fertilizers and seed allocation by the government is way below the needs of farmers. Since Juhudi Kilimo, which is in partnership with Kiva, ventured into the affairs of smallholder farmers in Kenya, farmers can attest that there has been a significant improvement in input availability over that which was previously available.

Dorcas is seeking a loan to buy farm inputs such as certified seeds and nutrient-rich fertilizers. Your loan will enable her to improve her production through the use of quality farm inputs.

Kindly lend to Dorcas and make a mother successful this 2022.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

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