A loan helped to buy construction material.

Sonia Aracely's story

Sonia, age 27, is an affectionate and responsible woman. She is married, and she lives by her life partner's side in a place known as Aldea Chivarrabal.

With pride and enthusiasm, Sonia has been working in her business for four years. She buys and sells traditional 'güipiles' [blouses] in the community. Thanks to this undertaking she has managed to achieve her objectives. Also, with the earnings she is helping her life partner with the family expenses.

As the dream of every woman is to have a pretty house, this motivates Sonia this year to request a loan. She plans to invest it in the purchase of construction materials. She is anxiously awaiting this opportunity because it will help her to meet her objective and to continue making improvements to her house.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

This loan is special because:

It targets low-income borrowers who can't access typical microfinance loans.

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