A loan helped an author/publisher to complete her children's series on empathy prior to Covid-19 impact.

Marlo's story

I am a musician, actor, author, and publisher who pivoted from working in pediatric nursing. I was able to sing, act like zoo animals, and even dance a little jig to bring smiles. Unexpectedly, life sent me on a different journey i.e. writing and healing from an incident. So, I found myself on the floor with my 3-year-old nephew drawing. Along with pillows, this comfortable position was a relief. So from the floor, I’d written books called songs/poems and more. My love for children is why I began writing children’s stories as well as developing programs for children that have been implemented in libraries and private organizations.

“My Heart Knew Love - A Publishing Co.” gives positive vibes. It’s about spiritual love and its attributes. I investigated my inner child which is full of an abundance of love, gifts, and talents. The inner child guides you into places that will benefit you and gives you gifts of security such as intuition. This environment never changes. It’s the substance of love. We are so highly intelligent that we miss simple things. Get to your adventure of fun and an amazing life with your inner child as your escort. Then, plant love seeds in a child’s mind that’ll grow into trees and withstand the storms of life. Help them build from love, no matter what they face in their environments; let love serve and cover them.

This loan is special because:

It supports a Black female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About My Heart Knew Love A Publishing Co.

Industry: Education
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: myheartknewlove.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details