A loan helped hire a solid multicultural team and buy supplies to keep up with demand in growing our small business.

Vee's story

Based in Minneapolis Minnesota, Vanlice Lemonade was founded in July of 2017 by Vee Washington. Learning that he was soon to be a father of a beautiful little girl named Hayzel. The struggling artist wanted to create a fun business that would allow them to spend more time together as a family and provide endless memories. During her pregnancy, Hayzel's mother expressed her love for fresh-squeezed lemonade at the local Carver County Fair. Vee found himself highly fascinated by how satisfied she was with every sip. Being so intrigued he began to study the art of lemonade. For many days and long nights, he studied how different cultures made pure all-natural lemonade. He watched as Asians, Indians, Hispanics, Native Americans, Americans, West Africans and more made the best lemonade. Vee had an epiphany, what if he could make the best lemonade on earth? A lemonade so pure that it sends you to paradise in every sip. Yet after many failed attempts, he decided that keeping it simple was the answer and with that… Vanlice Lemonade was born. He designed a recipe that she absolutely loved. With Hayzels mother happy, he decided to share it with their friends and they shared it with theirs...the rest, as they say, is history! Pronounced - "Van-Liss Lemonade"

This loan is special because:

It supports a Black entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Vanlice Lemonade

Industry: Food
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: vanlicelemonade.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details