A loan helped this woman-owned and operated business freedom of expansion.

Rachel's story

Creativity and independence were values instilled in me by my single mother from a very early age back in Maine. I was always making something creative to sell to make my own money; we had very little. I didn't get an allowance like most kids, and even into my adult years worked jobs that focused on me as a person, rather than my bank account.
Seven years ago, after miles of travel and having landed in rural Idaho, I had the wonderful problem of acquiring too much fruit. One person could not possibly eat it all before it spoiled, so I learned how to use honey and yeast to make mead. My first attempt, though not tasty, was drinkable nonetheless! I tried again, and again, until friends started requesting bottles. With money scrimped from earnings at my regular job, I purchased those first initial supplies and the licencing needed to become a legal meadery, able to sell my meads to the public!
I am still a very small business with just myself as an employee. An independent though resourceful woman with no family in Idaho, single handedly producing 200 gallons of mead per year yet selling out within 4 months, sticking to my values of using only Idaho honey, produce, and keeping everything as organic as possible. I have been able to help grow the farmers markets in three local towns, volunteer at community events, and be a Chamber of Commerce director.
Increasing the mead production, market garden, and heritage livestock is impossible being a renter. Expanding to a small acreage, owned by the business, with buildings that can be added to over time, would greatly increase production, allow me to provide jobs in this small community, and provide healthier beverage and produce options to my quickly growing customer base.

This loan is special because:

It supports this passionate entrepreneur to expand their business.

Loan details

About The Lucky Shoe, Inc.

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: More than 5 years


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details