A loan helped with marketing and inventory.

Shareece's story

I and my sister Mariia started this business in July 2021. Sadly, we didn't get to officially open until December 2021 but that didn't stop anything. We are doing everything possible to succeed. My sister got the opportunity to come up with a blessing of funds to start the business. We both earn income as Certified Nurse Assistants and we put all of our everything into this business. With the length of time, it took to officially open a lot of our funds went to rent, etc. We opened right at Christmas time and things were slow. Our original plan was to open in the Summer of 2021 and so much of our inventory is Spring/Summer inventory.

We have so many plans for Brooklynn's Beauty Boutique. Our business is in a small city and you won't be able to find our items anywhere else in town! We sell women's and men's clothing, hair products and extensions, jewelry, and more. I and my sister have a beautiful vision of what Brooklynn's WILL be! We want to host 2 events this year and we want to do more marketing. We just need funds. We just need a chance. We have hope and we have faith that something good is always going to work out.

This loan is special because:

It supports a Black female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Brooklynns Beauty Boutique

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: brooklynnsbeautyboutique.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details