A loan helped a woman-owned small business purchase more raw materials, marketing, and sustain our location.

Nikyah's story

I have had a love for fashion for most of my life. I have been sewing for 16 years with some college education but mostly my experience has steamed from my continuous independent studies. I was inspired to study fashion because I believe that fashion tells a story without words. My professional background is more customer service based which includes financial, retail, and real estate. I have 14 years of management/leadership training which has given me the skills to think strategically, understand the needs of a business, and execute effectively.

After several years of sewing as a hobby, I decided to pursue my passion full time as a Fashion Designer. My goal is to expand my business and offer training to other aspiring designers by hosting virtual courses and training. By contributing to my vision, I'll be able to purchase raw materials, notions, marketing, and sustain our current location.

This loan is special because:

It supports a Black female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Sultry Kouture LLC

Industry: Clothing
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: sultrykouture.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details