A loan helped small businesses improve their sales process and revenue with easy to use online tools.

Aaron's story

I have always been a salesperson in some form or another. Whether as a young boy trying to find mowing jobs in the neighborhood, trees & shrubs as I grew older, or Scorecard services today. I learned in recent years that I love helping other salespeople just as much as I love selling itself. The question was can I help them and make their job easier?

My passion and ingenuity led me to create Scorecard, a mobile sales process app that works as a fitness tracker for salespeople. We started to get traction during COVID (of all times) and found that salespeople really like the technology. It is simple and it helps them to improve their productivity while increasing sales.

What we are most proud of is how we helped other small businesses sustain and grow their sales during COVID, when other businesses were not so fortunate. Going from being a salesperson into the tech and mobile app industry has been an exciting journey and we are eager to help more small businesses in the future.

This loan is special because:

It supports a business in developing new technologies.

Loan details

About Scorecard LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: scorecardsales.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details