A loan helped women and youth overcome obstacles that will help them progress and achieve their goals and dreams.

Shantavia's story

I come from a background of poverty. The passion for teaching and serving people has been in my heart since childhood. From that background, I experienced a lot of traumas that confirmed to me that I was a strong person that could overcome many circumstances. Using my experiences, I want to continue reaching women and young adults, teaching and leading them, encouraging and assisting them mentally and physically in order to reach their goals, dreams, and desires.

I use my passions of applying makeup, styling a client's hair, and helping them build their own businesses from their passions, to serve and help. The main purpose here is to annihilate poverty by all means necessary.

This loan is special because:

It helps this business continue to grow.

Loan details

About Beauty Slayaz LLC

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: beautyslayaz.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details