A loan helped to buy supplies and yarn to grow her weaving business to increase her income potential.

Sudarat's story

Sudarat is originally from a remote village in the mountains of Northern Thailand. She married a man from a neighbouring province and they moved to live in his home village after their wedding.

Economic hardship and household debt, already a daily challenge for Sudarat and her husband, has been exacerbated by the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. Even before the recent economic downturn her husband had gone overseas to work, hiring himself out as a labourer.

Sudarat has been living with her husband's family while she takes care of the children.

Her husband's family are landless, further limiting options for gainful employment. Casual day labour was Sudarat's only viable option. Irregular and often poorly compensated, such work is barely enough to keep body and soul together.

The idea of starting her own hammock weaving business was immediately appealing to Sudarat. She liked the idea that she could work from home at her own pace, allowing her ample time to care for her children. She also appreciated the steady, good income it gave her.

"Doing work I like and getting paid for it has never entered my mind before," she says!

Sudarat is eager to grow her hammock business this coming year and this loan will allow her to invest in raw materials and supplies to increase her income potential.

This loan is special because:

It creates employment opportunities for vulnerable populations living in remote rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details