A loan helped to purchase a variety of terrycloth robes and sweaters to sell to her customers.

Oksana's story

Oksana is divorced and has two daughters. She is an entrepreneur from Ivano-Frankivsk who makes a living selling clothing in a local marketplace in her home town. The items she sells include terrycloth robes, pullovers, sweaters and jackets. She has been in this business for 11 years, and opened her small company after being downsized out of a job at a manufacturing company. She decided to try her luck in business and has been so successful that presently her monthly profit comes to about 8,000 Grivnyas.

Oksana is applying for a loan for 8,000 Grivnyas to buy a variety of new items to sell to her customers. She lives with younger daughter and dreams of some day being able to buy her a home.

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