A loan helped to buy implements for the production of new blackberry plants.

Angela María's story

Angela is a person with a great capacity to work. She is single and has one child and lives in the municipality of Aguadas. She is 27 years old and has a business growing blackberries.
She is a determined woman who despite the difficulties she has suffered due to the Covid-19 pandemic, day by day she seeks a way to contribute to supporting her family.
Angela wishes to continue capitalizing her business and for this reason she is requesting a loan to buy implements for the production of new blackberry plants.
One of her main difficulties is the lack of money to invest in her business, but she trusts in the help of Interactuar and the good hearts of the Kiva investors to help her business to get ahead.
Support this entrepreneurial woman.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catherine Dyck.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in remote regions.

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