A loan helped to buy more cows for fattening up and increasing sales of organic milk.

Azimkul's story

Azimkul sends a greeting from Chon-Karakol. She is grateful to the Kiva sponsors for the financial support, which was provided to her to increase her livestock headcount. She will be thankful if she can obtain another loan and promises to pay it back timely. She is requesting another loan in the amount of 100,000 som (KGS) to buy more cows for fattening up and increasing sales of organic milk. Azimkul is a 67-year-old hardworking, married woman who has two grown children. She is involved in agriculture and animal husbandry as her primary business. She started this business in 1993 to increase her family's income. Azimkul intends to continue growing her business and save to buy more livestock.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Anna Sorokina-Hailey.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers to increase production and income in a guaranteed value chain.

Loan details

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Loan details