A loan helped a member to purchase fabric to make bedsheets.

Virgen Santa Maria Group's story

Virginia is a hard-working 32 year old woman. For the past 18 years, she has worked to make blankets, curtains, bedsheets, and more. She is the mother of two children who attend school.

She is president of the community bank "Virgen Santa María." All of the members chose her as president because she is a good leader.

All of the members of the bank have their own economic activities. This is why they are applying for a loan with Sartawi IFD. They will use the funds to invest in their activities and improve their income and their quality of life.

Virginia is applying for a loan to purchase new fabric to make bedsheets.

In this group: Virginia , Elizabeth , Pedro Armando , Wilma , Rosse Marcallapa , Cristina , Braulia Donata , Helen Alejandra , Alexander Jhonatan

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Munson.

This loan is special because:

It allows financially marginalized people to access loans and training through communal banks.

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