A loan helped to purchase more inventory.

Dashdavaa's story

Dashdavaa H. is 54 years old and lives with his wife in Hovd province in western Mongolia. He and his wife live together in a ger, a traditional Mongolian nomadic tent. All his children are married and live separately from their parents.

Dashdavaa operates a grocery business in his town. He started his business in 2000 with the help of his wife and has steadily grown his business over the years. He purchases all his vegetables from wholesale stores at a cheap price. He owns a cellar that can hold up to 10 tons of vegetables. His wife, Tsendsuren, usually sells a variety of vegetables in a local market as well. In addition, Dashdavaa runs a taxi service in the morning and evening to supplement his earnings.

Dashdavaa is a very optimistic and hardworking person who has more than ten years of business experience. He is requesting a 2,000,000 MNT loan to purchase more inventory such as soup, washing powder, toilet paper and other products at wholesale prices for his grocery business. He hopes to have his own workplace in the future.

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