A loan helped a member to purchase a solar light, as well as hybrid seeds and fertilizer to improve harvests of maize.

Silas' Group's story

Silas is 35 years old and is often referred to as a really reliable person. As a group leader, he is representing his group in Butere District, formed by 13 farmers, including himself.

Silas has been a farmer for 14 years, and has worked with One Acre Fund for a while now, having joined for the first time in 2015 because he wanted to have access to the best seed prices. He decided that he will use the profits he gains from this year’s harvest to buy a cow.

With this loan, Silas’s Group will receive a total of three solar lights as well as farming inputs to plant a total of 5.5 acres.

In this group: Silas, Alice, Bukachi, David, Juma, Makana, Aura, Opetu, Salim, Hawa, Jenipher, Margadaline C, Akoth

This loan is special because:

It supports smallholder farmers to purchase seeds and solar lanterns.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details