A loan helped to restock foodstuffs such as wheat and maize flour, and rice, which will help her in her hotel.

Martha's story

Martha is 36 years old. She is happily married and is blessed with children. Martha's loving husband is a businessman who sells miraa and she supports him by also helping him pay school fees for her children. To provide for her family she runs a hotel where she sells foods such as traditional ones, snacks and tea etc which have good sales. She loves her business because it has enabled her to grow personally and financially which has enabled her to support her family. She is kindly requesting for a loan to enable her to buy more foodstuffs to boost and expand her business. She has previously taken a loan to enable her to grow her business and has been able to pay it back well. Her dream is to open a big restaurant in the future since she now has many clients. She would also love for her children to continue with their studies. This loan will help her come closer to her dreams by uplifting her business.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details