A loan helped to purchase raw material in order to increase productivity and expand his business.

Muminjon's story

Muminjon is a 30-years-old man from Bokhtar, Tajikistan. He is a head of the family with three members in it. His wife is a housekeeper, she is a kind and calm woman. Muminjon is an intelligent, purposeful and positive man. He is carpenter and he has been engaged in this sphere for the past 10 years now. He works very accurately and has many regular customers.

Muminjon could offer more products to customers, but he needs to purchase a raw material for it. He is asking for a loan with Kiva’s partner IMON for buying wood and to increase his productivity. This will allow him to expand his business and raise more income.

This loan is special because:

It allows Tajik artisans to support their families and carry on important handicraft traditions.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details