A loan helped a member buy ingredients and spices to prepare more food and sell them at a new market stall.

Las Golondrinas Group's story

Small food sales are everywhere in the western highlands of Guatemala, providing a source of income for many families. For Cledy, 28, this business has been very profitable for 6 years. She is married and this income, combined with her husband's, helps her to support her 4 children. Cledy only attended school for six years, but has worked hard to ensure that three of her children have a complete education. She sells food in the morning and in the afternoon, but she has seen that in her area they are also looking for snacks or repairs elsewhere in the area. Cledy is applying for her 4th KIVA loan to purchase ingredients and spices to prepare more food and sell them at a new stand.
There are 10 women who form the Banco Comunal de Puente de Amistad "Las Golondrinas" and live in a rural area of the department/state of Sololá. They have a small business of food, animal husbandry (chickens, pigs) and chicken by the pound. Topics such as planning, budgeting, investment are vital to the success of their businesses. They also learn about health, nutrition and self-esteem. This month the women learn about the importance of saving. Puente de Amistad calls this combination of lending, education and health "Microcredit Plus".
KIVA Lenders, together with Puente de Amistad, are important in these women's lives. Thank you!

In this group: Brenda Valeska, Rosa Elvira, Julia, Romelia, Brenda Fabiola , Amelia Pablo, Cledy Azucena , Domenica Carina , Meylin Odalis , Lusarely

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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