A loan helped us build wildly imaginative scents, and deliver them to our customers in interesting ways.

Danielle's story

It all started with a deep dissatisfaction with the daily grind of a long and frustrating commute through Los Angeles traffic, followed by a 3-year day (or so it felt), followed by another long and frustrating commute. There was no time for loading all the camping bins into my car and heading out to the desert. There was no time for much of anything. It was just driving, working, driving, sleeping, repeat, forever.

But then I and Russ found a little ragged-edged bar of handmade soap on their honeymoon, and everything changed. Every morning, when I was getting ready, I'd set my sniffer to this bar of soap and be swept back to the farm store. I wondered what else I might be swept back to, with the right scents. Could it be Joshua Tree? Only one way to find out...

So I and Russ set on the task of finding every scent that inspired delightful memories: the rich leather of a saddle shop, the smoky scent of a campfire, the sweetness of whiskey, the sharpness of gunpowder, and the high desert. And it turned out other folks liked those memories, too.

For several years and the Outlaws have grown to a gang of 20ish rabble-rousing folks who make the Outlaw products right here in the USA (mostly in our Sparks, Nevada workshop). I and Russ still love going camping and lighting things on fire (she vaguely says with a wink, while writing in the third person).

This loan is special because:

It helps a repeat Kiva borrower further develop their business.

Loan details

About Outlaw Soaps, Inc

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: LiveOutlaw.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details