A loan helped to purchase supplies to make a new line of barquillos rellenos [filled cookies].

Gloria Patricia's story

Gloria, 46 years old, is separated and lives in the municipality of Caldas. She is an intelligent and committed woman who became a mother at a very young age. She has 2 children, whom she loves, but raising them has been a challenge. This is the reason she began her business selling prepared foods.

Gloria wants to improve her business to be able to give her family a better quality of life because their financial situation has not been the best. She wants to be a successful businesswoman and, for this, she is working so hard. So, she is asking for a loan to purchase supplies to make a new line of barquillos rellenos [filled cookies].

Support this great mother and lend now.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It comes with a very innovative business-training package.

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