A loan helped to buy bulls for resale and to make repairs to her home.

Adolat's story

Adolat is a humble, but very hardworking rural woman. She lives in the Khuroson region. She is a middle-aged woman who is 40 years old. She has 5 children. Adolat's husband sells food products at a market, and simultaneously helps his wife with her business. Adolat has been practicing animal husbandry for 15 years. She breeds young bulls for sale. In order to increase her cattle headcount, Adolat is taking out a loan. She wants to purchase several young bulls, since the best season for animal husbandry is beginning. With the coming of spring, grass grows in the local pastures. This serves as cattle feed.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Nina Lamotchkina.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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