A loan helped to buy a couple of cows and small livestock in order to start her animal husbandry business.

Halicha's story

Halicha, a resident of the Panjakent district, is 32 years old. She is a caring wife and mother. Halicha is a very respectful, goal-oriented and hardworking woman. In their family, only the husband works and provides for the family. Halicha wants to help him and also provide college education for her children, and this is why she plans to start a new business. Precisely with this goal, she is requesting support from the Kiva lenders. Halicha wants to use this loan to buy a couple of cows and small livestock in order to start her animal husbandry business. She has experience in this area because she already cares for a cow for her own household. She hope to improve her family's financial situation and ease things for her husband. Halicha expresses her gratitude in advance and hopes for your support.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Anna Sorokina-Hailey.

This loan is special because:

It helps a vulnerable person start a new business.

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