A loan helped to buy a variety of products to better stock her store.

Ercilia's story

Ercilia, 64, is single and has a daughter, Milagros, who is 12. They live together in the town of Machente, located in the beautiful Peruvian rainforest, where she has her own home made of adobe. Ercilia is a merchant; she has her own grocery store. She has been in this line of work for 26 years, and she feels very content with what she has been doing. She enjoys having contact with her customers. In addition, she likes to provide friendly service to her customers, who always come to her store when there is a product they need to buy. She generally works on her own, but at times her small daughter helps her out. Her main wish is to expand her business with the objective of stocking her store with the newest products; in this way she will attract a bigger customer base. She wants to generate more income so that she can build her house out of solid materials. This is her 14th loan with MFP, and she pledges to continue to make her payments on time. In addition, she is confident that she will go far with her communal bank, since it offers her a lot of economic benefits. With the loan that she requests, she plans to purchase merchandise that is in high demand, in order to expediently serve her customers.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

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