A loan helped to buy a solar panel, a power source and a refrigerator to start a fish selling business.

Balerio's story

Meet Balerio. He is a hard-working indigenous man that lives with his wife in an indigenous reservation called La Reserva in East Panama.

Balerio has been dedicated to farming from an early age. He has planted ginger, sweet potato, cassava and plantains, all very popular in Panamanian cuisine. In addition to his farming activities, he has identified the struggle of his fellow community members to distribute fish outside of their community. This is how he identified the opportunity to buy fish from his neighbours to sell in other towns that lack the access to rivers or the sea. He has strong selling skills and a willingness to work, which makes him confident that with a small investment he can scale this business and also help his native tribe.

Today, Balerio is applying to his first Kiva loan to buy a solar panel, a power source and a refrigerator to start a fish selling business, helping the fishermen of his indigenous town and also generating profit to provide for his family.

Thank you for supporting enterprises of indigenous populations that have been historically excluded from basic financial services.

This loan is special because:

It helps the people of a historically disadvantaged community access financial services.

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