A loan helped to buy cattle to increase her income from raising cattle.

Begaim's story

This wonderful woman is Begaim. She is 55 and married with one son. She has a high school education and has been working in animal husbandry and agriculture since 2016 as the primary source of income for her family. Thanks to her hard work and help from her husband, she currently has three cows and one horse on her farm.

With the goal of further developing her business, Begaim has asked Kiva for a loan of 50,000 KGS to buy livestock to increase her income from selling organic meat. Income from the loan will help her expand her farm by increasing her head count of pedigreed livestock.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Kat Tancock.

This loan is special because:

It supports organic farming and includes a lower interest rate.

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