A loan helped to pay for her master's degree fee in order to graduate and find a job in her profession.

Megi's story

Megi is a 25-year-old girl from a small village located near Pogradec city. She lives with her parents, her sister, and her grandmother. As they live in a touristic village, Megi's father has a hotel, and all the family, including Megi, work there.

Because Megi started working at a young age, she didn't have the opportunity to finish her master's degree. She registered this year and is asking for Kiva lenders' support in order to pay the fee. She is very responsible and doesn't want to disturb her father about the money she needs. He has recently had a lot of expenses for renovation of the hotel, and she knows that lending her money would be difficult.

Megi wants to finish her studies and find a job in her profession, as she thinks that having her own career means a better future for her.

Megi thanks all Kiva lenders for the support and wishes them Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income students access education and pursue a better future.

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