A loan helped to support her home-based clothes business.

Fayza's story

Fayza is a 53-year-old Jordanian lady who is married and a mother of three. She did not get the chance to complete her education. However, she believes that she must work hard every day despite any challenges that she might face to achieve a much better living situation for herself and her family, so she started a home-based clothes sales business.

Fayza is very determined to make her business successful, and she is working so hard toward that goal. She wants to extend her market and products, but she lacks the financial support to buy new products. She therefore asked for a 500 JOD loan to buy the needed stock.

Fayza hopes for success in her business and to have her own store in the future.

This loan is special because:

It empowers the most vulnerable and marginalized women in Jordan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details