A loan helped to buy colored threads to embroider dresses in the traditional Tajik style--gulduzi.

Umeda's story

The 42-year-old Umeda, a very kind woman, lives with her husband and four children. She is a seamstress who loves the work that she has been doing for more than ten years. At this time, she is planning to expand her business. Umeda wants to buy colored threads to embroider dresses in the traditional Tajik style called gulduzi. Gulduzi is very fashionable these days. Many girls and women are ordering dresses with that kind of embroidery and sewing accessories.

Umeda wants to make the most of this and bring in more income to her business. She wants to improve her living conditions by leveraging her work. She is relying on your help.

Translated from Russian.

This loan is special because:

It allows Tajik artisans to support their families and carry on important handicraft traditions.

Loan details

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Loan details