A loan helped to provide an educational and professional enrichment space for the youth and their communities.

Markia's story

Growing up in Baltimore City, Maryland I never felt as if I had many options to explore my fullest potential. I had two options: play basketball or seek employment. Athleticism runs in my bloodline, but not many of my family members are successful lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs, or teachers. To me, success was looked upon as limited because I was always told that success is only achieved if you went to college, accumulated degrees, and acquired a high-paying job. I disliked the idea that my hidden passions such as music, writing, poetry, and my entrepreneurial spirit were never pushed or explored because my parents did not believe I would find much success in those avenues. But who were they to cap my success?

After my freshman year of college, that's when my journey into entrepreneurship began. I created a summer enrichment program and encountered many children who develop in similar households as me. I could empathize with them because their parents convicted them into believing that their passions were more so a hobby and wouldn't bring them much success. So I provided a summer program where we offered various trades, activities, professional career pathways, and tailored interests of campers. Here, campers and participants were not limited to success or what they were taught they could do or become. They were able to push their success and remove the "cap" or limits their parents had placed on them. I essentially provided a space I wish my peers and I had access to as a child.

For the past 7 summer programs, I've witnessed campers start their own business, become better students, and be more autonomous. You never know where you can find success unless you first explore the potential. My goal is to support much youth to create their own definition of success.

This loan is special because:

It supports a Black female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Natural Born Champions Inc.

Industry: Services
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: naturalbornchampions.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details