A loan helped to prepare the land for planting and to buy wheat seed in order to have a good harvest and make a good income at the end of the season.

Klimeta's story

Klimeta is a rural woman from a small village located near Korca city. She is a devoted wife and mother of two children.

All of her family are engaged in agricultural activity. They plant different vegetables, mainly onions and potatoes, which grow a very good variety in their region.

Klimeta hopes to find Kiva lenders' support one more time to be able to prepare the land and plant it with wheat.

As in the recent years she has noticed that there is an increased need for wheat flour in the Balkan region, Klimeta wants to plant a big part of her lands with wheat.

She thinks that she will be able to sell all the quantity produced and will make a good income for her family.

Previously, she had the support of Kiva lenders, which enabled her to prepare some unused land for planting.

Klimeta thanks all Kiva lenders for the continuous support and wishes all the best to you and your families.

This loan is special because:

It enables women living in rural areas to access credit tailored to their needs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details