A loan helped purchase inventory and equipment to triple our output capabilities as well as hire new employees.

Shawn's story

MAC Ink. is a local/family-owned print shop offering custom apparel, decals, signs, and print-on-demand services. Dedicated to providing premium quality custom printed products, best in class service, fast turnarounds, and fair prices.

Our mission is to empower individuals, businesses, and organizations to communicate their brand, identity & message effectively and creatively through custom printed apparel and promotional items. We also strive to be the best corporate citizens we can be in everything we do. MAC Ink. is committed to connecting with our local communities, sharing our time and resources to help where we can. To make good on that commitment, we have decided to donate a portion of our 2021 profits to the Autism Society of North Carolina. Having friends and family with children on the spectrum, we understand the challenges for families in the autism community. The Autism Society of North Carolina helps by offering advocacy, training and education, and direct care. They also have a statewide network of resources, connecting individuals with autism and their families to life-changing programs and supports unavailable anywhere else.

We're proud of the strong roots we are building as a local/family/woman-owned business in our community. MAC Ink. is the brainchild of creative/artist, Bree Kennedy, and her entrepreneurial-minded partner Shawn Kennedy. Bree, who serves as the managing partner and creative leader, is an incredibly unique and talented artist/photographer/fashionista, mother of three amazing daughters, and a blue-collar thoroughbred workhorse. Shawn brings over a decade of experience in sales, marketing, website development, branding, apparel line development, and business ownership experience to the table. Together we aspire to build a future and create a legacy for our 3 children (Mykael, Aiden & Charlie) to build upon. If you haven't put it together just yet, that is where we get the M-A-C from in MAC Ink.

This loan is special because:

It supports this passionate entrepreneur to expand their business.

Loan details

About MAC Ink., LLC

Industry: Clothing
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: shopmacink.com

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details