A loan helped a member to buy sugar, milk, rice, meat, and chicken.

Lynn Paterson Group's story

The Communal Bank named “Lynn Paterson” is a group of eight clients who live in León, Nicaragua. They have persevered for the past two loan cycles and strengthened their businesses of selling clothes, making desserts, selling pizzas, selling food, offering sewing services, and managing an auto repair shop.

In the photo, Martha Lorena is the woman standing in the back row, second from the left. She is wearing a black shirt and eyeglasses. In her Communal Bank, she is known for being a determined, hardworking, and supportive woman who seeks to get ahead in her business of selling soft drinks, curds, and food. The loan she will receive will be used to buy one quintal of sugar and milk for preparing drinks, one quintal of rice, meat, and chicken for selling food. With the loans she has requested, Martha Lorena has been able to consolidate her business and set aside some savings. She aspires to improve the infrastructure of her home and have better living conditions.

Invest in a woman and transform her life!

In this group: Rosa Esther , Ileana Del Carmen , Jonathan Antonio , Mildren Yesenia , Martha Lorena , Rosa Esther , Erick Julian , Xiomara Mariela

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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