A loan helped to repair the engine of the truck he uses for his business.

Juan's story

Juan is 46 years old, married and has three children who are his dependents. Juan makes a living buying and selling electrical appliances. He carries out this trade at fares, markets, trading areas and more.

Juan learned his trade from his wife, who traded grains at different markets. Through this work, the couple were able to buy a vehicle using a loan for their business.

A typical day for Juan involves buying merchandise from wholesalers before heading to the markets. On weekdays, he takes his business to different places, such as local towns, in his truck.

Juan will use this loan to repair the engine of the truck he uses for his business. The engine has been failing recently and, with the rainy season approaching, Juan needs a vehicle that is prepared for all eventualities.

Juan's goals and aspirations for his business are to buy a second vehicle. With this, Juan can go out to buy and sell electrical appliances while his wife is out making bulk sales of all kinds of grains, corn, and more.

Juan's goals and aspirations for his family are for them to be able to count on a good home. Juan wants to build more bedrooms and rooms for his children to study in so that they can become good professionals.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs through group lending.

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