In the photo, the woman on the left wearing the green coat is Lien, the leader of the Nua Ngam 47 group. Lien is 36 years old, married and has two children. She lives with her husband and children in the Dien Bien province, where agriculture is the main source of income.
Like other locals, her family's main earnings come from agricultural production, with activities such as planting rice, cassava and raising cows. Although Lien and her husband work very hard, earning an income from agriculture is unstable. Their family life is still difficult, and has been recognized as a near-poor household by the local government. In addition, due to bad weather last year, Nua had a poor crop. Despite life's difficulties, she still sends her children to school.
Lien wants to take out a loan from Anh Chi Em (ACE) to cover the expense of leveling a field. She hopes that through this loan and training sessions from ACE, her yield and accordingly her income will improve.
Lien shared that when she was in primary school, she had to drop out due to difficult circumstances. Because of that, she always works very hard to earn money and invest in her children's education. Her biggest dream is that her children will get the best education, go to university and escape of poverty.
In this group: Chi, Bua, Toan, Van, Lien, Phuong, Thoan