A loan helped to buy sodas, flour, meats and cheese.

Yohana Maria's story

Yohana Maria, 41, is a small business owner who lives in Cartagena with her family. For a year she has been in the pizza business. Her idea started a year ago in the middle of the pandemic and with the support of her daughter and husband she decided to start this activity to help with the household expenses.

She started making pizzas with pans and a stove and, because of her popularity, bought an oven which she is currently using. But because of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic her work decreased due to biosafety issues and her income dropped drastically.

Therefore she is applying for her first CrediKiva loan through the Santo Domingo Foundation to invest in the purchase of sodas, flour, meats and cheese.

Please support her business loan.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It provides borrowers in micro businesses with affordable loans.

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