A loan helped a member pour acheter du manioc afin de préparer de l’atiéké.

Soutra Group's story

The members of the Soutra group are 4 women, all married with an average age of 38, 5 children, and living in polygamous families at Loulouni, a sub-prefecture of the Sikasso region (3rd administrative region of Mali).
This is their twelfth collaboration with the microfinance institution Soro Yiriwaso as they work to increase turnover and to satisfy their clientele.
Ths group of women carries out different activities, such as selling atieke (a food made from cassava) in Djata O.'s case.
Djata O. intends to use her loan to purchase 30 cartloads of cassava which she will use to make atieke. She sources her supplies from the Loulouni market and from neighbouring villages.
The atieke is sold retail and wholesale at the Loulouni market to a cash-paying clientele of men and women.
She envisages making an average monthly profit of 35 000FCFA of which one part will be put aside in savings to pay her children's school fees and to cover the household food expenses, and the other will be invested in business activities.
She hopes to increase the amount of her loan in order to be able to purchase a plot of land to live on.

In this group: Awa, Djata, Mamine, Assan

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Kate Bennett.

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