A loan helped to buy wax papers, frames, boxes and medicinal agents for beekeeping.

Karine's story

Karine B. lives in the village of Gandzaqar near the town of Ijevan. She is married and has two children. Her son lives in Russia, her daughter lives with her parents. Karine works in the National Statistic Service Ijevan Agency.

For the past ten years, she has engaged in bee-keeping on the side. Her husband and father-in-law help Karine with this hard work. Karine had a bee-allergy and initially kept the animals at a great risk for her health, but during the years of her work she has gained immunity. Karine developed her business on her own land and sells all her honey very quickly, because she has regular customers.

With the good income from bee-keeping Karine solves the most significant part of her family’s financial problems. She is requesting a loan of 1,000,000 Armenian drams to buy wax papers, frames, boxes and medicinal agents for her bee families.

This is Karine's fourth loan from Nor Horizon and second loan from Kiva; and Karine has never been delinquent with her repayments.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details