A loan helped to buy high quality fertilizers to sell to smaller farmers in her community.

Flora's story

Flora is a 37-year-old Mozambican woman. She is married and lives in Manica with her husband and their four children.

Flora was born in a community where the main activity is agriculture. Accordingly, she learned early the best ways to practice agriculture to achieve better yields.

Flora knows the importance of having good quality inputs to produce. Unfortunately, there are few opportunities for smaller farmers to acquire good quality inputs for their production due to the distance from the community to the input supplier shop.

Flora identified in that challenge a business opportunity for herself. In 2018, she started buying fertilizers from big suppliers in Chimoio city to sell in her community.

Flora rapidly gained the confidence of many smallholder farmers that trust her to bring them the best fertilizers. For this reason, Flora is requesting another Kiva loan to buy high quality fertilizers to sell to the smaller farmers in her community.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers access to new markets and agricultural resources.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details