A loan helped a member purchase materials for making cleaning products & plastic containers.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

The committee named “Mujeres Unidas” (United Women) is in its fifth loan cycle with 18 members who engage in productive business activities. They work closely together in various events so that they can make their loan payments and save enough money to meet any need.

Sra. Felipa is one of the committee members who earns her living by making and selling cleaning products. Every week she receives orders, so she must buy the materials needed to prepare cleaning products such as detergents, laundry soaps, and bath soaps. This business helps her and her husband support their family. She is requesting a loan to buy the materials needed to make cleaning products and plastic containers for better presentation and distribution of her products.

In this group: Felipa, María, Filomena, Carmen, Porfiria, Perla, Mirta, Alicia, Cresconia, Maria, Viviana, Sara, Fanny, Claudia, Norma, Francisca, Teresa, Leonora

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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