A loan helped a member to buy merchandise and supplies for her business, basic necessities, cereals, and cleaning products.

Gardenia Group's story

Veronica, age 46, lives with her mother and her child, age 16, whom she supports as a single mother.

For 17 years, Veronica has had a store and a grocery store. She works every day and part of the night. She learned very well, and this permits her to generate income for household responsibilities. But she wishes to have more working capital, and so she requests a loan to buy merchandise and supplies for her business, basic necessities, cereals, and cleaning products. With this investment, she hopes to have more product availability and to increase her income, to be able to have a prosperous and stable business.

Veronica, Yesica, and Carmelina comprise the communal bank "Gardenia". They are responsible and enterprising people with the common goal of getting their families ahead.

In this group: Veronica , Yesica Elizabeth, Carmelina Del Rosario

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to business education classes.

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