A loan helped to purchase corn, cocoa and bean seeds.

Livinston Jahir's story

Livinston Jahir M. Jimenez is 22 years old. He is single and he lives with his parents. They live in the city of Ventanas, of the province of Los Rios. He has no children.

Livinston is a member of the rural village of San Jose de los Amarillos. It is located in the Recinto de los Amarillos region, 90 minutes from the city of Ventanas. There are 23 members in her group and the majority of them are agriculturists. This is the second loan they request through the San Jose Cooperative (Kiva Field Partner).

Livinston is an agriculturist, sowing corn, cocoa and beans. He makes his purchases and sales every month in the city of Ventanas.

He request a loan to invest in the purchase of corn, cocoa, and bean seeds. He sees this loan as an opportunity to get ahead. His dreams are to have a plot of land where to build his own home. The challenges he faces are blights and langosta infestations in his fields.

He enjoys playing sports.

Translated from Spanish.

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